“Thirty, forty years ago, there were a group of political liberals and scientists who said we were facing global cooling,” Cruz said. “They said we were headed towards a global ice age and the solution to global cooling was massive government control of the economy, the energy sector, and every aspect of our lives.”
“Then many of these same political liberals, and many of these same scientists, they then latched onto a new theory. It’s called global warming,” he said. “And the new theory of global warming, interestingly enough, the solution was the exact same as the solution had been for global cooling. It was massive government control of the economy, of the energy sector, and every aspect of our lives.”
Cruz went on to speak about how the data and evidence did not support global warming, then presented his summation.
“Now, you asked a question: ‘Do I believe in climate change?’ Of course!” Cruz said. “From the dawn of time, the climate has been changing; till the end of time, the climate will change. And yet, interestingly enough, the political liberals, their solution to climate change is exactly the same as it was to global cooling and global warming.”
WATCH: Ted Cruz Schools Lib Climate Alarmist... And He Doesn't Even Realize He Just Got Owned
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