Thursday, August 14, 2014


~1150 BCPhilistines conquered the land of Canaan.
~1250 BCIsrael conquered the land of Canaan.
~957 BCKing Solomon constructs the temple in Jerusalem.
~928 BCDivision of country into Israel and Judah.
~722 BCAssyrians conquered Israel.
~630 BCBabylon revolted against Assyria.
~550 BCPersia revolted against Assyria.
~586 BCBabylonians conquered Judah.
~539 BCPersia conquers/absorbs Babylonia.
~333 BCAlexander the Great conquers Persian Babylon.
312 BCPersian Babylon becomes part of the Greek Seleucid Empire.
165 BCMaccabean Revolt creates the independent state of Judea.
63 BCSiege of Jerusalem turns Judea over to Roman rule.
330 ADByzantine Empire controls Syria Palestine.
613 ADPersia capture Palestine.
705 ADConstruction of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.
750 ADAbbasid Caliphate rules Palestine.
969 ADFatimid Caliphate rules Palestine.
1071 ADSeljuq Empire rules Palestine.
1099 ADCrusades capture Jerusalem.
1187 ADSaladin retakes Jerusalem for Ayyubid Dynasty.
1260 ADMamluk Sultanate overthrows Ayyubid.
1516 ADOttoman Empire conquers Palestine.
1914 ADWorld War I begins.
1918 ADPalestine occupied by British forces.
1923 ADBritish Mandate formed.
1948 ADThe independent State of Israel is established.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014


~1150 BCThe Peleset were the "sea people" who invaded Egypt during the reign of Ramesses III.
~900 BCPeleset was a region of Canaan.
~800 BCPalaastu was overthrown by the Assyrians.
~675 BCThe Assyrian Empire had a district of Piliste.
450 BCPhoenicians and Syrians lived in the satrap of Palestine, a district of Syria.
340 BCAristotle references the Dead Sea in the region of Palestine.
150 BCGreeks reference a part of Syria called Palestine.
43 ADPliny the Elder refers to a region of Syria "formerly called Palestina".
94 ADJosephus refers to the Jews of Palestine.
135 ADHadrian used the name Syria Palestine to include a region called Iudaea Province.
390 ADRoman Diocese of the East included three administrative units of Palestina Prima, Secunda, and Tertia. Palestina Prima included Judea and Samaria.
900 ADLimits of the Five Patriarchies lists Palestine as part of the patriarchate.
1220 ADThe "History of Jerusalem" references three Palestines as part of Greater Syria, with the first part named Judaea.
1421 ADThe Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society lists three Palestines, including Judaea and Samaria.
1747 AD"Palestine, a part of Asiatic Turkey, is situated between 36 and 38 degrees of E longitude and between 31 and 34 degress of N latitude, bounded by the Mount Libanus, which divides it from Syria, on the North, by Mount Hermon, which separates it from Arabia Deserta, on the East, by the mountains of Seir, and the deserts of Arabia Petraea, on the South, and by the Mediterranean Sea on the West."
1880 ADThe Ottoman Empire issued decrees intended to limit Zionist immigration, including Palestine.
1915 ADThe "Filistin Risalesi" included as survey by the Ottoman Empire which identified three sanjaqs of Palestines, including the sanjaq of Jerusalem.
1920 ADThe British Mandate, following World War I, created Palestine Eretz Israel.
1948 ADThe State of Israel was established.

Timeline of the name "Palestine" - Wikipedia