Thursday, October 30, 2014


Travis Childers voting record:

Bill NameChildersVoteDemocrat Majority Vote
Dec. 21, 2010
HR 3082
Continuing Appropriations
Nay 192 Yea
19 Nay
Dec. 15, 2010
HR 2965
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act
Nay 235 Yea
15 Nay
Dec. 8, 2010
HR 5281
Nay 208 Yea
38 Nay
July 30, 2010
HR 3534
Offshore Drilling Regulations and Other Energy Law Amendments
Nay 207 Yea
39 Nay
March 21, 2010
HR 3590
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Nay 219 Yea
34 Nay
March 21, 2010
HR 4872
Health Care Reconciliation Act
Nay 220 Yea
33 Nay
March 25, 2010
HR 4872
Health Care Reconciliation Act
Nay 220 Yea
32 Nay
Dec. 16, 2009
HR 4314
Increasing the National Public Debt Limit
Nay 218 Yea
38 Nay
Dec. 10, 2009
HR 3288
2009-2010 Omnibus Appropriations
Nay 220 Yea
28 Nay
Oct. 29, 2009
HR 2996
Continuing Appropriations Extension and 2009-2010 Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and Related Appropriations
Nay 237 Yea
14 Nay
Feb. 26, 2009
HR 1105
2009 Budget Bill
Nay 228 Yea
20 Nay

Ratings and Endorsements:

2009NARAL Pro-Choice America - Positions0%
2010NARAL Pro-Choice America - Positions0%
2009-2010National Right to Life Committee - Positions100%
2009Campaign for Working Families - Positions81%
2007-2008Campaign for Working Families - Positions on Conservative Issues100%
2010Planned Parenthood Action Fund - Positions0%
2009-2010American Civil Liberties Union - Positions19%
2009-2010Americans for Prosperity - Positions50%
2009-2010United States Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation - Positions on International Middle East Human Rights-4%
2008National Rifle Association - Candidate Positions on Gun Rights92%
2009-2010Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - Positions34%
2009-2010Christian Coalition of America - Positions100%
2009Disabled American Veterans - House of Representatives Score100%

Voted against the DREAM Act amnesty in 2010.
Rep. Childers voted against a motion to add the DREAM Act amnesty to H.R. 5281, a non-germane bill dealing with litigation against Federal officers.
The DREAM Act amnesty passed by a vote of 216-198.

Cosponsored Anti-Illegal Immigration Resolution in 2010.
Rep. Childers cosponsored H. Res. 1026, the Bipartisan Reform of Immigration through Defining Good Enforcement Resolution. This resolution, whose main sponsors are Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Rep. Frank Kratovil (D-MD), calls for the House to 1) pass legislation mandating the use of the E-Verify system, 2) pass legislation ensuring that America's borders are fully secure, and 3) oppose all amnesty legislation in 2010.

Rep. Childers voted against the rule to H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.
By opposing the rule, Rep. Childers signaled his/her opposition to a health bill that creates rewards or incentives for illegal immigration.
The rule passed 242-192.

Cosponsored a bill to increase border security and require workplace verification in 2009.
Rep. Childers is cosponsoring H.R. 3308, the Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act of 2009.

Supported an amendment to deter illegal immigration in 2009.
Rep. Childers supported the King amendment (250) to H.R. 2892, the 2010 DHS appropriations bill. This amendment requires Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove the lookout posts constructed by drug smugglers, thereby making it more difficult for drug smugglers and reducing illegal immigration associated with illegal drug activity.
This amendment passed 240-187-1.

Supported an amendment to require DHS contractors to use E-Verify in 2009.
Rep. Childers supported the King amendment (253) to H.R. 2892, the DHS appropriations bill. The amendment requires all DHS contractors and subcontractors to use the E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of their employees.
The amendment passed 349-84.

Voted in favor of employment verification in 2008.
Rep. Childers voted in favor of bill, HR 6633, to reauthorize the E-Verify program for a period of 5 years.
The bill passed by a vote of 407-2.


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