Friday, July 25, 2014


"The five questions Sen. Cruz is asking are below:
  1. Was this decision a political decision driven by the White House? For instance, who was this decision made by - a career official, a political appointee, or someone else (at the FAA, State Department or White House?)
  2. If the FAA’s decision was based on airline safety, why was Israel singled out, when flights would be permitted into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen?
  3. What was the FAA’s ‘safety’ analysis that led to prohibiting flights to Israel, while still permitting flights to Ukraine—where a commercial airline flight was just shot down with a BUK missile?
  4. What specific communications occurred between the FAA and the White House?  And the State Department?  Why were any such communications necessary, if this was purely about airline safety?
  5. Was this a safety issue, or was it using a federal regulatory agency to punish Israel to try to force them to comply with Secretary Kerry’s demand that Israel stop their military effort to take out Hamas’s rocket capacity?"

Cruz: I Will Hold All State Department Nominees Until Questions Are Answered About Israeli Flight Ban | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

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