Monday, April 29, 2013


WOMAN: Okay. So I mean like, if it did, if you had to put it in that jar or whatever--
CLINIC-3: Mhm.
WOMAN: Like, what if it was like, like what if it was like twitching or like something like that? Like?
CLINIC-3: The solution will make it stop.
WOMAN: Okay. Okay.
CLINIC-3: [Laughter] It’s not gonna be moving around in the jar.
WOMAN: Oh okay, the solution would make it like--
CLINIC-3: Yeah. That’s the whole purpose of the solution.
WOMAN: Okay. So like if it looked like it was breathing or something like that--
CLINIC-3: It will automatically stop. It won’t be able to breathe anymore. Not in the, not with the solution.

COUNSELOR: And then tomorrow you get medication by mouth that you place in your cheeks, you let dissolve, and that helps to soften that area as well. So the two things together make the process where we can open up your cervix. But this is a very high risk pregnancy termination because you’re placing something foreign into the body and you’re taking medication. And what happens is the doctor does your termination inside the body because if that pregnancy comes out alive he has to do whatever he can to resuscitate it and bring it to the hospital. So what happens is when you do a second trimester pregnancy it is done inside the body and then removed tissue and pregnancy parts outside the body.

Live Action's Latest Abortion Clinic Undercover Video A Bust Blog
By SIMON MALOY - April 28, 2013

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